Prestigious Awards for four of our Artists!

Prestigious Awards for four of our Artists!

The end of the year is almost here and so is the traditional Opus List, where the journal Opus is celebrating 20 artists, composers and organizations that distinguished themselves in particular – some just this year, others by consistently being in the top tier of Sweden’s music life. We are very happy and proud to see two of our artists on the list!

Our amazing tenor Leif Ahrun-Solén, specialised in the field of early music from the 17th and 18th century as well as modern works, is on the list for the second time. Leif is currently overseas doing concerts in New York and San Francisco, and is constantly in demand especially for singing the oratorios and cantatas by G. F. Händel and J. S. Bach.

Also big on the early music-stage is our fabulous conductor Olof Boman, who has spent the last four years being the artistic director for Confidencen Opera & Music Festival. Boman is in the midst of an international career as an opera and concert conductor and the line is long of critically acclaimed performances in recent years. In particular, he is requested for baroque, classical and early romance music.

Opus also has an article about the artists who have gotten the biggest music prizes in the last year, and here we find two more of our artists!

Our shining soprano Paulina Pfeiffer has been chosen as this year’s winner of the Stockholm Studentsångares Sångarpris, with the motivation: ”Paulina Pfeiffer is a singer who is not afraid to cross borders, be it of geography, genres or artistic expression. She feels as natural in golden opera houses as on dark alternative scenes; wherever she performs, her warm voice and strong stage presence always make an impression – and breathe life into the music.”

From the hand of the King of Sweden, our eminent versatile conductor B. Tommy Andersson has (as a composer) been awarded the ”Stora Christ Johnson”-Prize, the biggest prize for Swedish composers, for his work Poseidon, Organ Concerto No.2 with the motivation: ”For his masterful and virtuosic handling of the orchestral machinery, as well as the contrasting and refined interplay between soloist and orchestra and with an infectious sense of form and content.”
B. Tommy is a conductor very much in demand and one of the most successful Swedish conductors of his generation. He has in the course of the autumn conducted works like Poulenc’s Organ Concerto as well as Stravinsky’s ”The Rite of Spring”. During the upcoming spring, he will conduct productions with Malmö Academy of Music, Dalasinfoniettan, and Norrbotten NEO.
A big congratulations to Leif, Olof, Paulina and B Tommy!
Photo: Felicia Margineanu