Toi toi toi tenor Kjetil Støa tonight at the opening night of The flying Dutchman, by Wagner. The opera takes place in Trondheim where Kjetil sings the role Erik 🌟🎶
#kjetilstøa #theflyingdutchman #Wagner #denflygandeholländaren #trondheim
Happy birthday to baritone Viktor Rydén! 💫💐
We hope you have a great day and we look forward to an exciting new year coming up! 🌟
##viktorrydén #baritone #operasinger #lacerentola
Happy birthday to baritone Marco Stella! 🌟
We wish you a joyful day and an exciting year ahead!
#baritone #marcostella #operasinger
Toi toi toi conductor Jaokob Hultberg who today conducts the family concert "Peter och Vargen" with Helsingborg symphony orchestra at Helsingborg concert hall 🌟
S. PROKOFJEV Peter och vargen
Helsingborgs Symfoniorkester
Presentatör Saga Ljungberg
Dirigent Jakob Hultberg
Manus och Regi Anna – Kajsa Holmberg
More about the concert:
More about Jakob:
Toi toi toi Staffan Liljas who sings Polyphemus in Acis & Galatea by Händel - tonight at the Royal Chateau de Versailles with Cappella Mediterranea, conducted by Leonardo García Alarcón!
More about the concert:
More about Staffan:
#händel #versailles #capellamediterranea #staffanliljas #leonardogarciaalarcon #acisandgalatea #polyphemus
✨ We are happy to welcome Aina Miyagi Magnell as new artist at Good Company Artists! ✨
The Swedish-Japanese mezzo-soprano has performed roles such as Zweite Dame (Zauberflöte), gender-swapped Pang (Turandot), and Orlovsky (Fledermaus). During the studies at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, she did Octavian (Die Rosenkavalier), Hänsel (Hänsel and Gretel) and Siebel (Faust).
Aina has appeared at venues including Folkoperan, Opera Holland Park, and with orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra and BBC Radio 3.
She was recently a finalist in the Opera & Zarzuela Awards in San Sebastián, Susan Longfield Award, the Franz Schubert Institute Prize and made her house debut at Folkoperan in Herr Arnes Penningar.
We look forward to working together! 🌟
Read more about Aina here:
#Opera #MezzoSoprano #AinaMiyagiMagnell #NewArtist #operasinger
Last Saturday, Le Nozze di Figaro premiered at the Royal Opera in Stockholm with baritone Jens Persson Hertzman as the Count 🌟
Here are some of the reviews:
“Mozarts persongalleri har sällan varit och låtit så här bra från alla håll och kanter. [...] Jens Persson Hertzmans lika fåniga som gränslösa greve med en tilltalande barytonröst som gör honom mänsklig. Detta ljuvliga gäng har paketerats i färger och former som ögat och örat älskar.” – Expressen
“Jens Persson Hertzmans mycket mänsklige Greve har i sin tur mer Basil Fawlty än demonisk Don Giovanni över sig.” – DN
“Mest toxiskt maskulin är greven som i Jens Persson Hertzmans mustaschprydda gestalt bär drag av John Cleese i ’Fawlty Towers’ med brallorna nere och bräckligt ego.” – Svenska Dagbladet
The premiere was also broadcasted live on P2, and the full performance is available to listen to here: 🎧
#RoyalOpera #LeNozzeDiFigaro #Opera #Mozart #JensPerssonHertzman #thecount #goodcompanyartists
@jens_persson_hertzman_baritone Jens Persson Hertzman
Toi toi toi Jens Persson Hertzman who sings the Count in Le Nozze di Figaro tonight at the premiere of the new production at the Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm! 🌟🎶
#jensperssonhertzman #lenozzedifigaro #kungligahovkapellet #greven #count #figarosbröllop #kungligaoperan
Today is a Big day at Good Company as we celebrate no less than three birthdays!
Happy birthday to Katarina Dalayman, Jesper Taube and Nils Gustén! 🌟💐🍾
We hope you have a great day and we look forward to the coming year full of exciting events 💫
#goodcompanyartists #katarinadalayman #jespertaube #nilsgustén
Toi toi toi Katarina Dalayman as Larina in tonight´s premiere of Eugen Onegin by Tjajkovskij at Teatro Real in Madrid! 🌟🎶
Director: Christof Loy
Conductor: Gustavo Gimeno
#christofloy #gustavogimeno #katarinadalayman #goodcompany #goodcompanyartists #eugenonegin #teatrorealmadrid #teatroreal
@katarinadalayman @teatro_real